Money makes the world go round or at least is what most of us think. The problem starts when money starts controlling your life and things start going the other way around. Learning how to balance your money and your spending habits is something you don’t master within a blink of an eye. Some of us spend money Bingo Angels tips on how to spend your money wiselyemotionally (me when I buy shoes), for fun purposes (when I play online bingo) and others still need to learn how to balance their money and their spending habits.

Therefore today, we are going to give you some advises to try to take control of your money and make prudent spending decisions.

1.       Make a budget. Budgeting is essentially the process of asking what I should spend my money on. Besides, it helps you to have a clear vision in written form of what are your fixed expenses.
2.       Track expenses. It will provide you an insight into your spending habits.
3.       Don’t succumb to impulse spending. Resist the temptations think about it before you buy it. Do you really need it or do you want it?
4.       Beware of credit cards. If you are already in debt, try to pay more than the minimum due. This way you will avoid pay more and more due to the interest rate.

Remember, it is not how much money you have but how you spend it what really makes the difference. Expensive belongings can’t make you happy or add any enjoyment to your life if you are steeped in debt. People are happier, living a modest affordable lifestyle on their income, rather than living of appearances and having a huge debt.  It is possible that you can’t keep up with the “Smith’s”, but at least you will be able to sleep well at night and have some time off to play at Bingo Angels a site that understand the real meaning of stretching your money further.